08 September 2007


sometimes is a fluffy kitten and some sunshine...


Anonymous said...

I just love it how you surface everytime I think where is this woman?!

Hope all is good with you..I need to figure out a way to add this blog to my links on Lj. That way I would end up visiting it more often.

The kitties are always cute, goes without saying eh? ;)

Venusberg said...

Hey! Look who was here! I guess I am here somewhere. Actually, I don't think LJ allows outside links. I guess you will just have to visit here more often :)

Shiv said...

cute looking thing!!! nattu looks good too :P

Venusberg said...

Why do I sense you're trying to woo my cat?

tHeFiRsTiDioT said...

Love that cat!

Venusberg said...

Idiot! I mean Ash! God.. you are a man of surprises!

Cat, I know is nice... what about the pretty li'l thing next to the cat. May be it's about time you see me!

Gaping Void