22 October 2008

Losing It!

The weight I mean...
Have not really been blogging off late (so what's new?) but for the uninitiated, i have been trying really hard to shed extra pounds that I have managed to accumulate in past two years.

After numerous tries and attempts to lose those extra kgs in gyms, dance classes and what nots, I finally realised I do need to give up some of my beloved food :(

But thanks to Suddhu, he convinced me I can't (and shouldn't) do it on my own.
Ffffine! I said and dragged myself to all the weight-loss clinics in Bandra.
(Okay... he agreed to accompany me)

So there I scouted through Bandra lanes to look for that puurfect clinic that had the right feel. Don't ask! As a by product, Kaya people still haunt me to join their 1ok-a-month-have-to-visit-the-clinic-twice-a-week package!! Bitches!

So finally, I zeroed in on Anjali Mukherjee's 'Health Total'. I think one of the main motivators was the fact that they did not want me to write down details of every single morsel I consumed like others!

What happened after that... I shall resume typing in a bit.. (Shiv... u read that :P)

17 September 2008

Wisdom, thy name is blogging

Couple of things Her Highness has learnt lately.
Methinks it's a good idea for her to convert this to a to-do list:
  1. Take life with a pinch of salt
  2. Wait and Watch
  3. Truth isn't what it looks like most times
  4. Every action has a good intention behind it (the queen shall elaborate on this later for for lesser mortals)
  5. Listening to one's heart is a good idea when you don't know what to do

And most importantly,

6. that she's right: communication IS the key to most problems.

Feeling a bit better I am...

11 September 2008

It makes me sad to write this but it's the truth I guess.
And I must accept it.
I have spent three years in this city, and today when I am down, and feeling so low, there's not a soul in this city I can take for granted.
536 contacts in my phonebook
facebook shows 98
i use msn, yahoo, gtalk and skype

I miss Anand - who always manages to bring smile on my face with his calming voice
I miss Ritesh - who was always ready with a warm hug when i needed it the most
I miss Gudi - and here never-ending advices
I miss Ruks - who always manages to understand exactly how I am feeling
Data - who will convince me that eating chocolate is the best thing one can do to oneself

I don't know how to manage, really....

21 July 2008


I had the MOST AMAZING massage of my life this weekend!
(Though it cost me a whopping 460 bucks! )

That woman, I swear, had SUCH a healing touch. The pressure was just perfect and there were muscles in my body and points on my head, which I never realised were so tired!

10 July 2008

Shiv is right.

I conclude W.A.Y too quickly.

20 June 2008

Down Down Down

is how I feel...
I can't wait to feel better.
Blah Blah Blah
I all I hear
Why is everyone the way they are?
Or is it just me who cannot bear?
Tiny morsels of life are scattered around me
Is it possible to pick each piece and move elsewhere?


17 June 2008


Damn this cowd.
I can'd thype... I can'd see... and moreovah I sounddh like dis...
Beed sneezigg... sineezzing and thad's all!..
Damn this sidus... Id's two id the nide and i can'd even sleep!

11 June 2008

Yah right? Now I need a title for my misery!

I learnt today that somethings can't be learnt.
How does one fight desire? Knowing what you want is not worth chasing? What is love?

I also learnt that I can't play mind games.
So i will not try. I am just going to be.

I wished for inspiration to write on my blog. Looks like I got material for a book!

On the 'brighter' side, I feel like Woody Allen.
How can I believe in God when just last week I got my tongue caught in the roller of an electric typewriter?

09 June 2008


Don't ask me why?
I just thought it sounds better than 'back!'
So, here I am in all hopes to be regular here. Actually now that I think I do have a reason why I stopped. My comp in the office just wouldn't let me post!
Due to some odd attack of boredom I tried blogger again, and voila!

Let's hope things and people keep inspiring me to write :)
Actually someone did. Will tell you the story when I am less sleepy.

(Please bear with this sudden attack of Spanish !)

06 June 2008



16 January 2008


I can feel each muscle in my body!
My legs are shaking as I walk.
Dance... is not going to be easy!

But the good part is: I am not going to give up this one time!

Gaping Void